Raking Gravel

There is an old saw in evolutionary biology, I think. Why would gazelles bother to evolve to run fast, given that they are never going to run as fast as a cheetah? The answer appears to be that the gazelle does not need to run faster than a cheetah: it merely needs to run faster than the next gazelle.

And that gets me wondering about a rake attachment for my garden tractor. Something that would be good for spreading a pile of gravel around my driveway. The ideal way of doing this is clearly a much bigger machine with proper three-point attachments, or even a front loader arrangement.  But I do not need something that is ideal. I merely need something that is better than me with a garden rake in my hands. Which should be a manageably low bar.

There are suggestions on the Internet about how to rig up something to tow behind the tractor, sometimes based on something as simple as an old wooden pallet. But that would not, I fear, hit the spot. I need something with which I can back up to the pile of gravel, and drag some gravel off for spreading purposes.

Unhappily, I think this might require some welding capability, and an ability to fashion lumps of steel. These are not, as we speak, within my modest repertoire of countryside tricks.

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