Monthly Archives: September 2017

Our Trust in Barnier

What on earth is the UK Government doing?  Binding itself to pay tribute to the EU for years after Brexit is barking mad.  The worst of all worlds.

Perhaps they have just been worn down by endless remoaning.  But this is a road that leads to never-ending servitude to the EU.  Logic would say that the EU should be paying for access to the UK market, since it sells more to the UK then it buys, not the other way around.  But there is no more logic here than that which drives a battered wife into continuing submission to her abusive husband.

quote-and-that-is-called-paying-the-dane-geld-but-we-ve-proved-it-again-and-again-that-if-rudyard-kipling-15-99-45The UK’s best hope is that the EU is so utterly intransigent in its demands for even more Danegeld as to eventually scupper the negotiations entirely.  Then the UK can just leave, as mandated by the referendum, without paying anything, and without any Continue reading

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We were wrong, say climate scientists

This was in The Times today:

We were wrong — worst effects of climate change can be avoided, say experts

Scientists admit that world is warming more slowly than predicted

The new assessment is good news for small island states, such as Tuvalu, which could be inundated by rising seas if the average temperature rose by more than 1.5C

The worst impacts of climate change can still be avoided, senior scientists have said after revising their previous predictions.

The world has warmed more slowly than had been forecast by computer models, which were “on the hot side” and overstated the impact of emissions, a new study has found….

The study, published in the journal Nature Geoscience… suggests that the world has more time to make the changes.

Michael Grubb, professor of international energy and climate change at University College London and one of the study’s authors, admitted that his past prediction had been wrong…

They could have saved themselves a few lines by simply announcing “Robert Was Right”.


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