I Remember Frank

frankFor some reason, Frank Ifield’s 1960s hit “I Remember You” has been rattling around in my head. The lyric is not exactly the height of gallantry. It goes:

I remember you, ooh

Well, that’s not saying much, is it? Especially since they had evidently been on snogging terms:

You’re the one who made
My dreams come true
Just a few kisses ago

So presumably, the snogging was a while ago, or he would not be saying that he remembers her. But perhaps he had not got had much success in the romantic stakes if he had only had a “few kisses” since their meeting.

She was evidently been quite keen on him:

You’re the one who said
“I love you, too, yes, I do
Didn’tcha know?”

But how thoroughly was this reciprocated by our yodelling minstrel? Not much, it seems:

When my life is through
And the angels ask me to recall

The thrill of it all, then I will tell them
I remember you, ooh

So she was just a “thrill”.  And the most that he can say about her once through the Pearly Gates is that he remembers her. No details apart from that.

Bizarrely, people loved it. It was the first song ever to sell a million copies in the UK and it was top of the charts for 7 weeks. I played it on YouTube, and remembered it really quite well from my childhood.



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One response to “I Remember Frank

  1. Colin Jarry-Ryan

    Perhaps this was the same girl who taught him to yodel. I can only assume that yodel meant yodel and was not a crude euphemism for something else.

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